Friday, October 18, 2019

October 18, 2019 Update...

Hi Parents,

It was so great to sit down this week and talk to each one of you about your child's first quarter in third grade!  As we continue throughout the year, please know that I am available to meet and discuss your child' progress even when it is not conference week. If you have concerns or just want an update, let me know and we'll schedule a time to sit down together. Check out below to see what we've done in our short week...

Math:  We focused heavily on solving word problems involving two steps.  We discussed the importance of the "analyzing" step in solving these problems. The use of a picture is always beneficial and we practiced that as well.  We learned a new strategy for solving multiplication problems with larger single-digit numbers called the distributive property strategy.  We practiced that together, created a model to illustrate why this strategy works, and then worked independently to try a few on our own. 

Reading: We completed our Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes book. We answered short answer comprehension questions, referring back to the text for our evidence. We created a display for our pumpkin contest going on in the media center by working together in small groups. We also learned how to read nonfiction text compared to how we've been reading narrative stories.  We practiced reading small sections of text from a book on gorillas, and then turning and talking about what we learned. We read a story on a new technique for cleaning up after an oil spill and practiced "stopping-n-jotting", which will help us begin note-taking as we read informational texts. 

Class News and Announcements...

Don't forget our next field trip is this MONDAY!  Have your child wear his or her class shirt or any other gray colored shirt.  We'll be leaving at 9:00 Monday morning. Please remember to dress your child for outside activities and send any lunches from home in disposable bags.

Last week, after discussing how the reading at home is going with parents, I had a class meeting with the students where we talked about taking ownership one's own learning. I'm hoping that you are seeing a difference in your child in regard to his/her attitude and effort when it comes to reading time. I told the students that I can teach all the necessary strategies, and parents can ask and ask, but eventually it is up to them to want to become stronger readers and be in control of the successes in school this year.  I'd love to hear how it is going after another week or so.

Thank you for the birthday wishes, cards, and gifts! It's awesome being a teacher and having a birthday around 8 and 9 year olds!  I won't tell my age, but the kids made it fun!

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